Awards for the contest !!!

Most Innovative - Congrats Saarang !
His was very innovative entry similar to the movie Beautiful Mind..

Awards for the contest !!!

Most Thoughtful - Congrats Padmini!
Her entry was like murder mystery reminding me of Sherlock Holmes novel... 

Awards for the contest !!!

Most Vivid - Congrats Anonymous !
His entry ran for 53 pages...

A Short Story - Part Fiftynine

May be it was the passion which he had towards his MBA or it was just his way of continuing his legacy from his engineering days, Raj (once Raghu) soon began to impress everyone at the college with his ideas and leadership capability.. he took up every task and completed it to perfection.. his staff too were impressed by his ideologies.. he was known for his decision making skills and and charismatic persona.. he soon was appointed the placement co-ordinator for his batch and he started to build his industrial contacts..

Time flew by.. one year went by.. and Raj had emerged the topper in the first two terms.. Raj also had just successfully completed his internship at Merrill Lynch in Singapore..

At Mannur, eightieth birthday of Venkat Rao, Kokila's dad was nearing.. plans were there to celebrate it big with all family members coming together..

A Short Story - Part Fiftyeight

Raghu wanted a change.. when he looked back and started to ponder about his own life, he was not much pleased... he wanted begin a new life.. something fresh.. a new place, a new atmosphere and a new set of people was something he had been looking forward to..  it was his first day at college.. and he was introducing himself to his fellow batchmates.. "Hi, This is Raj..."

for him Raghu wasn't anymore.. Raghu is gone... hatred of Kokila and Sekhar had killed Raghu.. every time some one called him Raghu, it reminded him of Kokila and Sekhar, and their hatred towards him... so he decided to bury Raghu.. Raghu was now history... it was going to be just Raj now, Akhi's Raj.. 

its the end of Raghu and the rise of Raj... :)))))

A Short Story - Part Fiftyseven

With his dream admit in his hand, Raghu decided to leave the job.. he resigned much to displeasure of his manager, who later understood Raghu's deepest desire for an MBA.. not only Raghu left the job, he also wanted to leave the family.. for him, he needed a clear mind with no upsets or disturbances from home to pursue a successful MBA.. so he let Veeran and Kokila know of his decision to leave the family and to join IIM C.. Veeran could understand his son's point of view.. it was for the good of all in the home.. he himself had recovered well and was almost back to normal health.. So he was supportive of Raghu's decision..

Kokila was very relieved to know this.. for her she felt happy to see Raghu leave the family.. from now on it would be just Sekhar, her precious at the home.. But Sekhar was not aware that Raghu was leaving them for ever.. Veeran had asked Kokila not to tell about this to Sekhar.. as far as Sekhar was concerned, his elder brother was leaving for higher studies.. and he too felt as relieved as Kokila..

A Short Story - Part Fiftysix

It was not easy going for Raghu.. on one hand he was an orphan of low birth.. his efforts to meet any of the relatives of Vasuki or even get a photograph of his beloved mom failed.. back home, Kokila was just the same.. wicked cunning and abusing him at every chance she got.. and a spoilt brother, who hated him as much as Kokila did.. but he did have a caring father in the form of Veeran.. but he himself was very weak and had to be taken care of.. on the other hand was his ambition.. an MBA from reputed college, then build his dream home, Vasuki illam.. it was between these two was Akshara, his love.. lost love to be precise..

But still Raghu fought.. like a soldier in a battle, knowing that turning back was not an option, he fought for his destiny.. Braving all odds, Raghu cleared CAT and secured admit in his dream college IIM Calcutta.

A Short Story - Part Fiftyfive

It was one of those weekends and Raghu was on a mission to Mannur, the place where he was born.. he wanted to see if he could gather some info on Vasuki or her relatives.. he was to meet Chandramma, his grand ma and talk to her... and if possible also talk to Kanakkamma, Vasuki's mom.. he wished he could some how get a photo of Vasuki from her..

Chandramma was surprised to know that Raghu knew of Vasuki.. she was more than willing to share with him whatever she had known of her.. though Chandramma did not have any photograph of Vasuki.. she had seen her and been with her.. Whenever Kanakkamma was away or ill, Vasuki used to come and serve milk.. Chandramma also used to frequent Vasuki's home to visit her father, who was also an ayurvedic physician.. from Chandramma, Raghu also came to know that both Vasuki's parents were dead and her only surviving blood relative was her elder sister.. but she had long left the village and no one had any idea of where she was..

So Chandramma tried to give the best possible description of her to Raghu.. and Raghu, lying in her lap calmly listened.. he slowly drew a portrait of her in his mind from Chandramma's description..

A Short Story - Part Fiftyfour

As fate would have had it, Kokila did not change an inch.. she continued her abuses at Raghu whenever she could.. she used to blame Raghu for Veeran's heart attack.. she cursed him and his birth mom Vasuki.. given a chance she would yell at him... but she did all this whenever Veeran was away.. and when he was at home, she used to be very silent with Raghu..

Raghu took in everything.. afterall, she was the same mom who had brought him up to this level.. but for whom he would not have been here.. but at the sametime, what she was doing to him now was not appropriate.. especially with Sekhar.. on the other hand, Veeran was just recovering.. leaving him to Kokila would not be the right thing.. so continued to stay with them.. but not without his sight on an MBA.. he was infact preparing for his CAT..

A Short Story - Part Fiftythree

Veeran had suffered a massive heart attack.. the heart attack was so massive that he partially lost his speech.. he would start to stammer in his speech.. doctors had advised Raghu and Kokila not to get anything shocking or surprising to Veeran as it might lead to a fatal stroke..

Days went by... Raghu who had no father, did not intend to loose Veeran too.. he was determined to fight it out.. his ambition of setting up the God's home to take care the under privelged, the hunger, the old and the orphaned, started to ignite the fire in him.. the very own fact that he himself was an orphan of low birth was just helping him visualize his dreams..

he was now focussed on one thing.. "Vasuki Illam"

A Short Story - Part Fiftytwo

Before Veeran could answer Raghu back, tears started to roll out of his eyes.. he then started to narrate how Kokila had opened up the truth to him.. he narrated how Kokila illtreated him that day.. slapping and spitting on him on road without knowing what Sekhar had done at school.. Also he said he suspected of some foul play by her towards Akshara, as a result she disappeared right after Raghu exited the college..

First Veeran could not believe his son.. he looked at Kokila, who balantly lied saying she had not slapped or spat on him.. she also said she did not do anything to Akshara.. she was infact justifying her acts towards Raghu saying he is liar and that Raghu was wicked and did not like the love Kokila had for Sekhar..

Raghu had already lost his temper.. he knew how cunning and wicked Kokila could be.. he did not want to have this conversation her way.. so he went into the kitchen, took a knife and held to his own neck and asked Kokila to say the truth.. she was stunned.. so was Veeran.. Veeran could infact see the pain in Raghu's eyes.. Kokila was first reluctant.. but finally she broke.. she narrated how she had at first started to illfeed him.. then how she was cursing him everytime he tried to correct Sekhar.. she also confessed of how she abused Vasuki.. in all these Akshara was not mentioned.. she was forgotten..

Veeran after listening to all these could not face Raghu.. he just fell on the floor..

A Short Story - Part Fiftyone

Raghu started to now look Veeran with some greatness.. to accept a boy of such a low birth as his son and give him all his unbounding love and treat him equally with his own son, was astounding.. especially when he could see Kokila so biased towards her own son Sekhar..

It was later in the afternoon, when Veeran had returned from office.. Raghu wanted to clear all his doubts with him.. even though he believed Kokila to some extent he trusted his father more than Kokila.. Raghu waited till Veeran refreshed himself up and Sekhar went to his drawing class.. it was then that he went to Veeran and asked who Vasuki was? it was like a bolt out of sky had struck Veeran.. As for Veeran was concerned he did not want Raghu to know of his past.. as for him, he was Raghu's father and Kokila was his mom.. they were his parents.. Veeran and Kokila had infact decided to bury the truth and let not Raghu know of it.. but as he could figure it out, Kokila had told Raghu the truth.. 

A Short Story - Part Fifty

Kokila had just threw the most powerful, secret, toxic and maiming weapon she had at Raghu.. and it did suck all his life sap from him... And for Raghu, he was just able to put the pieces of the puzzle together.. Ill treatment meted towards him by Kokila.. being partial towards Sekhar and pampering him with so much love that has now made him spoilt.. 

But what he could not understand was her hatred towards Akshara.. he was more worried about her now than in the morning.. he did not understand Kokila's possessive attitude towards him.. top if it all, Raghu could not stop thinking of his birth-mom Vasuki.. and more shattering was the fact that she had died when Raghu was of age four.. Raghu felt the whole world was now falling on him.. he did not have his mother.. he did not know who his father was.. he lost his beloved Akhy.. he was being brought up by an unloving mom who was more interested in his pocket than himself..

A Short Story - Part Fourtynine

Raghu could not believe what he was hearing.. he went towards Kokila and stood there with amazement.. Kokila was asking about Akshara in the morning as if she knew something about her.. Raghu did not find it more important than to what he just heard from Kokila.. 

What happened at the school? How Sekhar was involved in a duel? How he hospitalised the other student and brought back Sekhar to home was not he wanted to expain her now... but it was this bombshell about his low birth that had shook him.. he asked Kokila what was she saying.. and it was then that she opened up the truth.. not stopping there she started abusing Raghu and his birth-mom Vasuki..

Special Applause !

Ragesh, Niranjana, Elango, Muthu Raj, Jagadeesh and Ganesh !!

Critic of the Week - Purnima

Congrats Purnima !!

Follower of the week - Sweta A Naik

Congrats Sweta !!

A Short Story - Part Fourtyeight

Kokila rushed towards Sekhar.. Sekhar was crying hard.. he then said weepingly to his mom.. "Raghu hit me..." with blood stains on his shirt and tears in his eyes, all Kokila could do was to slap Raghu on the road, spit on him and rushed Sekhar back to home to wash him off and to attend to him..

Raghu followed them back to the house quietly.. Kokila was very furious at Raghu.. she was so furious on him that the anger towards him had just shielded her eyes towards the very fact that all the blood stains on Sekhar's shirt were not his own.. Sekhar was not infact hurt.. But as for Kokila was concerned, her beloved son was late from school.. he was crying and Raghu, had hit him..

She was cursing Raghu.. shouting at him, while at the same time as any mom would attend to her beloved injured son carefully attending to her precious, Sekhar.. Sekhar was put to sleep by Kokila.. she then came to the kitchen and was murmoring.. it was in the midst of these that Raghu could hear Kokila's words from his room..

"I knew this would happen one day.. I knew you would do this to my son... Afterall you are not my son in first place.. born without a dad.. we brought you up.. and this is how you repay us??"

A Short Story - Part Fourtyseven

Sekhar was very happy... the fear of having to report to principal and to have to get his parents to meet him again, had infact stopped his crying.. he was jumping on cloud nine when the school staff had asked Raghu to take away Sekhar back to home.. 

It then that it struck to Sekhar, on the way, that Raghu had infact slapped him in front of his school mates to stop him from hitting.. He definitely wanted to share this with his mom..

Back at home, the school buses had left quite a while back, but Sekhar had not yet come home.. So Kokila was bit tensed.. She came down to the road and was waiting for Sekhar to come... It was then that she saw Raghu and Sekhar coming together and Sekhar with blood stains on his white uniform shirt.. Upon seeing Kokila, Sekhar began to weep...

A Short Story - Part Fourtysix

Returning from hospital, Raghu reached back to school to take Sekhar back home.. Meanwhile teachers had found that the fight was over a pencilbox of Sekhar which was broken by the other student.. The teachers initially were very angered by Sekhar's behavior and his fighting with the fellow student.. but Raghu's swift action in stopping the fight and helping the injured student had appeased them.. Before Raghu could convey his apologies to the staff, the staff thanked Raghu and asked him to take Sekhar back to home.. they were more confident that some day Sekhar would surely change having such a nice brother in Raghu..

So Sekhar and Raghu both left to home...

A Short Story - Part Fourtyfive

It was later in the afternoon that Raghu, having completed most of his days work, decided to go and have lunch at a canteen at Prapancham. He went, had lunch and was returning. Sekhar's school was on the way to home from the canteen.. It was almost three pm then and school children were coming out after the days school.. he could see two kids fighting.. they were being watched by fellow kids.. he went across the road and he saw Sekhar and another boy were engaged in a duel.. the other boy was severly injured and bleeding.. but it did not stop Sekhar from hitting him and punching him..

Raghu immidiately tried to stop Sekhar and take him away..Sekhar was not stopping and he hit Raghu too.. Raghu then stopped and slapped him.. one slap and Sekhar was done.. he stopped hitting and started to weep... then came the teachers running outside.. while Sekhar was taken by the teachers back to school, Raghu and another staff rushed the other boy engaged in the duel to the hospital.. he had suffered broken teeth and some external injuries.. he was given first aid and later taken back to home..

A Short Story - Part Fourtyfour

Raghu was puzzled.. he had been an alien to such affectionate words from his mom for almost two years.. he also knew how cunning his mom was..he did not trust her words.. he started to suspect her of some foulplay with Akshara... afterall she was neither happy with Akshara nor with her liking towards Raghu when he let kokila know of it.. so with that suspicion in mind he had just decided not to talk to her regarding Sekhar and himself for now..

He left to his room and started to proceed with his work... but the old memories of Akhy... her smile.. her laughter.. her dance.. the time they spent together in college.. in canteen.. at the center with children.. every thing could not stop flooding his mind... Raghu felt helpless.. he hated Kokila..

A Short Story - Part Fourtythree

That question from her mom had given rise to many questions in Raghu's mind. Was it that Kokila was aware of what had happened to Akshara? Did Akshara share something with her alone before leaving Raghu? or was it otherwise, that, Kokila had done something to Akshara? Did Kokila say something to Akshara which made her to leave Raghu? 

Raghu, with these questions in mind looked at her mom.. she was very casually switching tv channels.. he asked what had she meant with that question.. he asked her whether she knew where was she or what had happened to her? She just replied.. "I dont know anything about her... I just guessed because you are not normal and are quite disturbed nowadays.."

A Short Story - Part Fourtytwo

Raghu had decided to work from home the morning next day.. so he woke up a bit late.. he brushed teeth.. took bath.. Sekhar was getting ready for school as usual and Kokila was helping him.. So Raghu waited for him to leave for school.. Veeran on the other hand was getting ready for office.. he had some meeting that day and had to leave for office early than usual..

Sekhar had gone to school and so had Veeran left for office.. Raghu logged in into office machine and shot a mail to his team that he was to work from home that day.. 

Like a final year student doing his last minute preparations to face viva on his final year project, Raghu started to gather enough courage to talk it out with his mom Kokila.. He walked from his room to the hall where she was watching TV.. then looking at Raghu she asked, "Akshara has not contacted you after your college, right?"

A Short Story - Part Fourtyone

Another day, Veeran was on night shift.. and Kokila had slept.. but Sekhar was watching TV late night.. so Raghu swtiched off the TV and took the remote with him and locked it in his shelf in his room.. Sekhar began to cry aloud.. Kokila then woke up.. it was almost quarter to twelve.. Kokila was shocked to see Sekhar crying.. when she came to know what Raghu had done, she shouted at him yelled at him.. and, she fell on to his legs asking him to die.. she said to him, "I would be more happy to see your dead body than you troubling my son like this.."

At first, Raghu took everything in.. he was hopeful of some change in either Sekhar's or Kokila's behaviour.. he used to weep everytime before going to bed just thinking of Kokila's words.. he would then close his eyes and think of those happy moments with Akhy and sleep off... but this was at the height of his patience.. he was desperate to know what was happening with him at home.. so he waited till the next morning..

A Short Story - Part Fourty

One night, Raghu felt hungry in the middle of a night. He went to the kitchen searching for something to eat. He found a lone apple and ate it. Next day morning, Kokila was shouting and cursing herself. She was very furious at Raghu.. Raghu did not know the reason for her anger.. he was puzzled.. he went and asked her, why was she so furious.. She replied, " you know how much one apple costs? its ten rupees.. that apple was kept there so that Sekhar could take it to school with lunch.. And you just ate it.."

Raghu for a moment was petrified.. he did not know how to reply to that question from his mom.. It was then he decided not to have any food at home.. hence used to have all three meals at office.. 
He just used to sleep at home...

A Short Story - Part Thirtynine

While a lot of pampering had not done any good to Sekhar, Raghu was not liking it.. he felt things could have been better had either Veeran or Kokila changed their behaviour a bit with Sekhar.. Initially he felt it was her happiness of having a kid after many long years of prayers was shielding her eyes from the reality that Sekhar was being spoilt.. but when think of the words Kokila spoke he felt the divide clearly.. Kokila was not happy with Raghu at all..

She was not talking with Raghu much.. neither was Raghu talking with Kokila.. because whenever they set on a chat, the point of the chat slowly shifted towards Sekhar and neither of them was happy with other.. So both had infact stopped talking.. and as far as Kokila was concerned, She wanted to give Sekhar the best..

The dislike towards Raghu, combined with fact that Sekhar was her only son, had just made Kokila very mean and uncaring towards Raghu.. she started to illtreat him.. She made big issues of petty things with Raghu.. She was illfeeding him.. She quantified every action of Raghu in terms of money and demanded money from him.. 

A Short Story - Part Thirtyeight

Raghu showed his displeasure towards Sekhar, by not talking to him... not getting invloved into his homework or other project work.. he mostly used to ignore him as he knew Sekhar was any way not going to respect him..

Kokila and Veeran did sense this change in Raghu's attitude towards Sekhar.. while Veeran thought it might have just been some office work pressure because of which Raghu was acting so.. but for Kokila, she did not like it.. for her, Sekhar was a cherished possession..anyone who looked down on him, would invite her hatred... even if it was, Raghu..

A Short Story - Part Thirtyseven

At home too Sekhar was not well behaved.. because of his rash attitude, he did not have many friends to play with.. so he used to wile away his time watching TV.. he used to do his homework watching cartoon in TV.. he used to study lying on the bed.. While Raghu was not so pleased with these things, what was more shocking was both Veeran and Kokila were not bothered about all these..

He tried to talk to Sekhar on this but he was either given a cold response by Sekhar or Sekhar used to go to his mom, Kokila and lie.. at times he even used to lie saying Raghu hit him and cry.. Kokila would stare at Raghu and console Sekhar.. 

Once when he wanted to talk to Kokila with regards to Sekhar, she bluntly said to him, "Feeding you three times a day at home itself is a big task... now we should cater to your complains ah? that too on my son, Sekhar??"

Raghu was utterly displeased with Kokila's words.. it was then that he started to hate his brother Sekhar..

A Short Story - Part Thirtysix

Once at school, Sekhar's teacher was very dis-pleased with his home work.. he had nither completed it nor had he done it properly.. When she scolded him not doing the home work, Sekhar took his pen and threw it at her.. The teacher had not expected such a violent behavior from him... having been such a nice student in the primary, and the pet of many teachers then, this was shocking from Sekhar.. 

The teacher tried to forget the incident as an one off incident and did not bring it to the light of his parents.. but she did discuss it with the fellow teachers.. following day, Sekhar acted in a similar way with another teacher.. this time the teacher did not leave the incident.. instead she took to the light of the principal of the school, who summoned Sekhar's parents to the school..

Veeran and Kokila met the principal and promised to see to it that there was no repeat of such indiscipline from him..

Raghu learnt this incident later that day and was very disappointed..

A Short Story - Part Thirtyfive

Raghu wanted to have a feel of the corporate before starting to pursue his MBA.. So he had joined the job after the college.. It was an year into the job and Raghu was enjoying it.. he had made many friends over there.. the work culture was great.. truly American and he cherished it.. and more over his work place was less than an hour journey from his home.. so he used to commute daily to office from his home.. 

Sekhar had completed his primary and set foot into the secondary at school.. he had already started to loose his ranks at school and was just an above average student now.. he had failed in one of his subjects in the mid terms prompting the teachers to discuss about him.. 

At home, learning about all these happenings Raghu was very displeased.. he tried to talk to Sekhar but neither was he interested nor was Kokila.. for Kokila, all was well with Sekhar and she believed that one day Sekhar will be an achiever better than Raghu.. So she kept siding with Sekhar and ignored Raghu..

A Short Story - Part Thirtyfour

It took a while for Raghu to understand Anita's words... he was puzzled why would Akshara have disappeared.. Anita was furious at Raghu as she felt he might have had a fight with her... but later when Raghu explained to her that there was not mail or call between them after he left college, Anita began to ponder..

Both sat and started to discuss about Akshara's sudden disappearence.. Anita too was not aware of the exact reason for Akshara to act so..but she remembered Akshara's mom visiting the college once before the vacation.. it was then that Akshara said to her that, because of some emergency at home she was vacating the hostel and that she would call her back soon.. But she never did....

Raghu thanked her and then left the college.. Even though Raghu was disappointed at not finding Akshara, he was hopeful of her return.. Afterall, theirs was a true love..

Contest ends..

Hi friends,

Thanks for the overwhelming response given to the contest. Your entries are being reviewed. Kindly wait till the story ends from my end. Results of the contest will announced then


A Short Story - Part Thirtythree

A week had gone.. there was not a single call or message from Akshara.. Neither did she respond to Raghu's calls.. Initially he thought she might have been busy with her project work or was out of station.. but this was quite unusual from her.. he tried reaching her mom.. but, even she did not respond.. 

Raghu waited for the college to reopen for Akshara.. so that he could go and meet her in person there.. but, when the college reopened.. Akshara was not there.. He checked with her friends.. they too were not aware of Akshara was... He went to academy to enquire about her.. who too turned out to be disappointment for him..

Finally it struck for Raghu.. Anita.. he wanted to reach her and ask her.. so returned back to the college.. there at the college, Raghu caught hold of Anita.. Anita first refused to talk to him.. then upon insistense from Raghu, she finally said to him.. infact yelled at him in complete frustration..

"Akshara has left.. She has left the college.. the academy and you.. She is gone..."

A Short Story - Part Thirtytwo

Kokila had never visited Raghu's college.. So she insisted Raghu on taking her to the college that day.. they went in a car, to vacate Raghu's hostel room and return back.. Kokila who had never met Akshara in person, wanted to meet her.. So by the time Kokila, Raghu and Veeran reached the college, Akshara was already prepared to welcome Raghu's parents and meet her..

While Raghu left Kokila with Akshara, Veeran and Raghu went to the hostel and vacated the room.. each and every belonging of Raghu was dusted out and put into the car.. When they returned back, Kokila and Akshara were having tea at the canteen.. Veeran and Raghu too joined them..

Veeran patted on Akshara's back and congratulated her for what she had achieved at her arangetram.. he was also in praise for her mom Ezhilarasi.. he also didn't miss to enquire about Charanya and Devi.. he then wished her good luck with her studies..

It was time and they had to leave.. tears started to tickle down Akshara's eyes.. Raghu was about to wipe them off, but Akshara herself wiped them off, then gave a smile at Raghu and then his parents..

She then bid them Good Bye.. and was it forever...?

A Short Story - Part Thirtyone

Time ran very fast.. Raghu's placements were over and he had got two offers.. the second one being the American one with a hefty pay.. Akshara was very pleased with that.. For her too time did run fast.. Her two month internship at Pune got over.. Raghu was into his last semester.. Akshara still  had two and half years of college left.. 

Time went.. Akshara had given couple of splendid performances at the Academy, following her arengetram two years back.. As expected she had donated the proceeds of both the shows to the Rehabilitation center.. 

Charanya and Devi were having good time at the PSB school.. Ezhilarasi, Akshara's mom was the guardian for them, caring them just like any other mom would have..

And then Raghu's last day at the campus had arrived..

Best romantic follower - Manoj

Best romantic follower - Manoj !

Special Applause !

Special applause to Sripriya, Pragna, Mathi, Saarang, Sudharsan, Muthukumar and Sangeetha !!

Best Critic of the Week : Chaithanya !

Congrats Chaithanya !

A Short Story - Part Thirty

Raghu could feel her mom's possessive attitude towards him, when she was not ready to accept Akshara.. he felt he would be able to convince her about it and was quite happy.. While he spent quite a lot of time with his baby brother, playing with him, caring him as a father, he did not miss a chance to spend time with his cherished love, Akhy..

Time passed by, a year went, Raghu entered his final year at college.. So did Akhi enter her third year.. Both had great time both at college and at the center.. their love for each other too blossomed.. They made sure either of them atleast visited the center once a week and spent time with the children..

It was in this time that Raghu had drew his aspirations and laid plans for his future.. He dreamed of establishing an old age home,where he wanted to take care of the elderly.. he also wanted to have orphaned kids in the same home.. providing them with all the needs.. he wanted it to a Gods home..  For that he wanted to be a successful entrepreneur which he knew he would be, if he were to pursue a successful MBA from a reputed B school.. 

Akshara was very pleased with Raghu's plans.. she always held Raghu in great heights.. it was these aspirations of Raghu that actually bonded Akshara and him together..

A Short Story - Part Twentynine

Kokila was the youngest of her siblings with two elder brothers and an elder sister.. she was the most pampered child of the lot.. Having been brought up by her granny, having just done her schooling till tenth, having gotten married so early.. Kokila did not grow up with changing times.. 

Just after marriage she had to leave her home state and come to Prampancham, in a neighbouring state as Veeran had just got a job out there.. Her first few years were quite unpleasant.. being in a alien state where there were hardly any who spoke her language.. neither she knew theirs..

For her, her family was the world.. her kids were her entirety, whom she could not afford to loose..

A Short Story - Part Twentyeight

When Veeran, had finished his Diploma, his mom wanted to get him married soon so that she could then use the dowry amount to get her other two daughters wedding done.. Veeran's fathers health too was not well.. So his mom set find some suitable alliance for Veeran..

Supriya, was distantly related to Veeran.. horoscopes of both Veeran and Supriya matched well.. when they were about to fix dates for wedding, Supriya's mom died.. and they could not arrange the wedding in the next one year because of the death.. But Veeran's mom was insistent on Veeran's wedding.. 

It was then that she came across Kokila, neighbour of Supriya, having finished her tenth was at home.. Very next day, both Kokila's and Veeran's family sat and finalised dates for marriage.. Their wedding was just an accident in itself..