A Short Story - Part Fourtytwo

Raghu had decided to work from home the morning next day.. so he woke up a bit late.. he brushed teeth.. took bath.. Sekhar was getting ready for school as usual and Kokila was helping him.. So Raghu waited for him to leave for school.. Veeran on the other hand was getting ready for office.. he had some meeting that day and had to leave for office early than usual..

Sekhar had gone to school and so had Veeran left for office.. Raghu logged in into office machine and shot a mail to his team that he was to work from home that day.. 

Like a final year student doing his last minute preparations to face viva on his final year project, Raghu started to gather enough courage to talk it out with his mom Kokila.. He walked from his room to the hall where she was watching TV.. then looking at Raghu she asked, "Akshara has not contacted you after your college, right?"