A Short Story - Part Thirtynine

While a lot of pampering had not done any good to Sekhar, Raghu was not liking it.. he felt things could have been better had either Veeran or Kokila changed their behaviour a bit with Sekhar.. Initially he felt it was her happiness of having a kid after many long years of prayers was shielding her eyes from the reality that Sekhar was being spoilt.. but when think of the words Kokila spoke he felt the divide clearly.. Kokila was not happy with Raghu at all..

She was not talking with Raghu much.. neither was Raghu talking with Kokila.. because whenever they set on a chat, the point of the chat slowly shifted towards Sekhar and neither of them was happy with other.. So both had infact stopped talking.. and as far as Kokila was concerned, She wanted to give Sekhar the best..

The dislike towards Raghu, combined with fact that Sekhar was her only son, had just made Kokila very mean and uncaring towards Raghu.. she started to illtreat him.. She made big issues of petty things with Raghu.. She was illfeeding him.. She quantified every action of Raghu in terms of money and demanded money from him.. 

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