A Short Story - Part Fiftyfive

It was one of those weekends and Raghu was on a mission to Mannur, the place where he was born.. he wanted to see if he could gather some info on Vasuki or her relatives.. he was to meet Chandramma, his grand ma and talk to her... and if possible also talk to Kanakkamma, Vasuki's mom.. he wished he could some how get a photo of Vasuki from her..

Chandramma was surprised to know that Raghu knew of Vasuki.. she was more than willing to share with him whatever she had known of her.. though Chandramma did not have any photograph of Vasuki.. she had seen her and been with her.. Whenever Kanakkamma was away or ill, Vasuki used to come and serve milk.. Chandramma also used to frequent Vasuki's home to visit her father, who was also an ayurvedic physician.. from Chandramma, Raghu also came to know that both Vasuki's parents were dead and her only surviving blood relative was her elder sister.. but she had long left the village and no one had any idea of where she was..

So Chandramma tried to give the best possible description of her to Raghu.. and Raghu, lying in her lap calmly listened.. he slowly drew a portrait of her in his mind from Chandramma's description..


  1. Chandramma's descriptions next, please!

  2. Actually, in the context of my story, she does not have any major role further.. hence i decided not to portray her in detail.. will try to give a brief picture of her in my next posts following ur request :)

    thanks for following the blog.. :)i would be more than happy if u could reveal yourself :) :)

  3. Is the contest still open?

  4. yes... u can send me your entry soon.. :))

  5. Will you publish all entries?

  6. Will you publish all entries?

  7. hi, one of the entries i recieved ran to 50+ pages.. :))) i dont have any plans to publish :))) but if ur entry is good and worth publishing, i would do so provided u reveal urself :)))
