A Short Story - Part Twentyseven

Raghu used to share everything with his mom.. he was indeed a mom child.. the very day he reached home, he told her mom about Akhy and her love towards him.. he narrated all the happenings that occured the previous day.. While she was pleased to know about the appreciation he had gotten from the Chief Secretary, she wasn't that pleased about Akshara and her love..

For Kokila, she was still in those old customs.. for her marriage had to be within castes.. for her there was nothing called love or friendship between a boy and girl.. and for her if a guy and girl were to share something, either they had to siblings or spouses.. Raghu was shocked and disappointed to know this from his beloved mom..

Happy new year!!

I miss my mom..

A Short Story - Part Twentysix

Like a blooming flower having recieved first dew drop of that morning, like a hungry baby having recieved first sip of milk, like a farmer having reaped the first harvest of the season.. Akshara was feeling heavenly.. Those three magical words had struck the musical cords of her heart.. she could feel the music flowing through her blood.. and with every breath of air she took in, with every ounce of blood that was pumped by the heart, the music just echoed..

Raghu had just reached the station back in time to catch the train in the car arranged by Akshara.. He boarded the train sat in his seat and was recollecting the days happening.. He could not stop but to pen down this into his diary..

When I stared at her hazel eyes I saw my fate 
It was an amazing moment, I must admit 
I felt something special moving my heart 
I felt she had become my love art
Two hours and I can't stop thinking about her
Two hours I'm praying for that she'd care
Her smile was like a warm winter day
Her laughter....I don't know what to say 
She looks like the sun in the sky
I'll reach for her even if I would die
I could spend my life thinking about her
I would never feel that it is not fair
Because I'm sure I'm falling in love with her
And I love falling in love with her

It was love at first sight for Raghu.. he cherished it..

A Short Story - Part Twentyfive

Saarang congratulated both Akshara and Raghu.. He praised their efforts for helping the orphaned children.. he promised that he shall ensure from Government that all the children at the Tsunami centers across the state would be seen to it that they get proper education for free.. 

Raghu was very pleased at Saarang's assurance.. he was very happy.. and very pleased.. Raghu could not take his eye of Akshara.. he had donated his scholarship amount every semester to the center.. he brought NGOs to the center to help the children with free medical camps.. but he could not achieve something this big as she had done.. He was very pleased with her.. it was then that Akshara turned to Raghu, shook his hands and wished him a happy birthday.. 

The event drew to a close.. the gathering had dispersed.. Akshara introduced Raghu to her mom, who was very happy to see him.. she congradulated both of them for what they had achieved today.. she kissed on Raghu's forehead and wished him a happy birthday.. she hugged Akshara and whispered into her ears.. "You did it, congrats!"

Later both Akshara and Raghu went for a walk.. Raghu did not know how and where to start.. but before that, Akshara started.. they did have a great time.. she later showed to him all his photos and videos in action which she had secretly filmed in her laptop.. Raghu was just awestruck.. he could really feel the depth of Akhys love..

He subtly took her palm into his.. said those three magical words to her..

A Short Story - Part Twentyfour

Akshara started to thank the dignitaries who had graced the occasion, also his dad's friends who had come.. it was then that she said the following that shook everyone..

"... We all might have come across many kids.. at traffic signals, temples, cinema theatres, parks and beaches with torn clothes, handicapped body... we have got used to them and mostly we ignore them.. we have also come across kids orphaned by either natural calamaties or manmade disasters.. we see them in plenty at orphanages and ashrams.. but most of them are in factories doing a mans job just for that single meal a day.. when our kids ask us about them, who their parents are? whose kids are they? We just say to them.. they are Gods children.. God shall take care of them.. and we wash away our hands of our resposibility, putting the onus on God.. "Gods' children.." to be taken care by God.. and not by us.. 

While most of us fall in this segment of putting the fate of these children in the hands of God.. there are very few in this world who actually play the Gods role in taking care of these children..to love them and feel them theirs..

But I am happy that we have atleast one here in this auditorium amongst us who has decided to play the Gods role for these kids.. and he has been my inspiration to do what i am going to say..

I feel blessed to announce that I and my mom, Ezhilarasi, have decided to sponsor the education of two girls namely, Charanya and Devi from the Tsunami Rehabilitaion center, besides our academy, till they would like to pursue.."

Raghu who was already feeling goosebumps to what Akshara had said.. slowly recollected the chart in morning that read "We may be Gods children, but you are our God." For him, Akshara had just spoken out what he had been having in his mind.. He could now see Akshara at a greater height.. He suddenly felt she was his ideal match.. One who could support him with his ideals.. 

As soon as Akshara finished, crowd had fallen silent.. there wasn't a hue or cry.. audience were stunned.. everyone were seeing a different Akshara now.. half an hour ago they saw a second year college going kid performing.. now they were seeing someone who was acting Godly.. their silent was then just to be broken by a lone applause by Raghu, who did not mind to give her a second standing ovation.. slowly the crowd joined him..it was in the midst of these Anita had said to Saarang, that it was Raghu whom Akshara was referring to..

Saarang immediately turned to Raghu..hugged him, lay his arm around Raghu's shoulder and accompanied him to the stage..

A Short Story - Part Twentythree

Raghu was stunned at Anita..and more stunned at Akshara, for her scintillating performance.. he had come here just to thank Akshara.. and to meet her in person and tell her that he is very happy for what she done at the center.. he wanted to explain to her that he was not yet ready to get into relationships.. he just wanted to befriend her coming here.. so he packed his bag, vacated the hostel for the holidays and came to the academy hall to meet Akshara and board the train later in the evening at eight.. but all these thoughts of his vanished as he started to enjoy Akshara's dance..

Akshara's performance ended.. she was given an standing ovation from the crowd.. Raghu too applauded her performance with a standing ovation.. he did not have words to describe her amazing performance.. and back on stage, Akshara was sweating hard.. she was panting for breath.. she was ackowledging the crowds applause bowing to them with folded hands.. the applause was reverbarating in the hall.. and in her ears.. but it was that one man's applause and smile, pleased her the most.. Raghu's.. She was ecstatic.. it took a while for the applause to calm down in the hall.. slowly the crowd started to settle back into their chairs.. and Akshara did not miss to thank her Guru.. she fell on to his feet and took blessings.. so did she from her mother, Ezhilarasi..

Raghu too was happy.. Anita then looked at Raghu and with her eyes pointed Raghu back at Akshara..

Akshara then got back to the center stage with a mike in her hand..

A Short Story - Part Twentytwo

Like a thirsty stranded traveller finding an oasis in the middle of a desert, like a baby bird just having flown her first distance.. Akshara was excited, delighted, and pleased.. It was Raghu, her love, who had just arrived at the hall.. 

For a moment Raghu stared at Akshara who was performing.. Raghu could not recognise her in her attire.. he then went straight to the seat reserved for him in the first row.. On the right to Raghu's seat was K.K.Reddy and to his left was Anita.. Raghu recognised Saarang, Chief Secretary, sitting next to Anita and immidiately shook hands with him.. he also shook hands with K.K.Reddy and sat in his seat.. Now Raghu started to watch Akshara's performance.. 

Raghu knew Anita from college.. At this moment for him though,she appeared more like an angel.. the keyholder for unlocking todays mystery.. Raghu turned to Anita to ask her about Akshara and as instant as it could have been Anita shot back at him "I know what you are going to ask me.. Just watch the show.. You are in for a treat.."

A Short Story - Part Twentyone

Back at the hostel Raghu had dozzed off to an afternoon nap after returning from the center.. Raghu was infact caught in a fix.. he wanted to thank Akshara for the day but at the same time, he knew visiting her at the academy might signal her his acceptance to her love.. it was in this dilemma that Raghu dozzed off in the room..

Back at the academy, Ezhilarasi had finished her vocal performance, and now it was Akshara's turn to perform.. disappointed about her love she landed on the stage, bowed to her Guru and the guests, and then started with her performance.. 

It was almost in the middle of her performance did the doors of the academy hall creek open, letting in some one, dressed in a casual T-shirt and jeans ..

A Short Story - Part Twenty

With an invitation cum love letter in his hand, Raghu was quite puzzled. He headed back to the hostel. On the way back to the hostel he was trying to recollect all that happened to him that day.. he was just wondering whats to be done next.. he was pondering.. "she came, made my day a memorable one.. then this all of a sudden? a love letter ? are things happening too fast? cant i just ignore this card and forget it?"

The event was to begin at four. It was already quarter to four. The hall at the Kalakshetra academy was already buzzing with many dignitaries and guests coming. The dignitaries who were expected to attend the function included K.K.Reddy, head of the Academy, Sarang Bastukar, Chief Secretary of state, and other pioneers in the field of classical music who had given many performances across the world along with Akshara's late father, Nagaswaram maestro Prabhakaran Shashtry and mother, renowned vocalist, Ezhilarasi. Anita, younger daughter of Chief Secretary Saarang, was Akshara's senior at college and also a pupil of the academy.

Chief secretary had arrived.. so did other dignitaries.. it was four.. Event started with the guests lighting the lamp and then followed by Ezhilarasi's vocal performance.. Akshara dressed up in her classical dance attire , was anxiously looking at the lone chair reserved for Raghu... 

Contest Dates Extended..

Following repeated requests, the contest dates are extended till Jan 4th to give the readers more time with long weekend in the offing.


A Short Story - Part Nineteen

It was a small girl, holding a card in one hand and Raghu's hand in another.. Raghu leaned to the girl and asked, "Whats up, child?", and the girl said "Akshara akka asked me to give you this.." handing him the card .. the girl left..

Raghu just stared at the child for a moment..and then he opened the card.. it was more like an invitation to an event with venue and date mentioned in it.. it was a personalised one too with Raghu's name printed on it as were other names.. 

of the many things it had, one portion of it read,

"..This isn't just an invitation to my arengetram today.. this is an invitation that i am sending you across, for you to be a part of my life..
Like the tree needs earth,
Like the night needs moon,
Like the star needs sky,
Like the guitar needs tune,
I need you in my life..

I need you more each day, 
I need you for you are so wonderful, in every single way. 

I want to have that feeling
the one that everyone gets
when they know it's right 
and they have no regrets..
Will you ever be with me?
Be there to concede my love, Raj.."

A Short Story - Part Eighteen

Raghu had been a frequent visitor to the center.. he had played with these kids before.. but never before had he felt so happy and so delighted.. he was really very pleased with what had happened to him today.. 

It was in the midst of all this play with the kids, that it suddenly occured to him.. the letter.. he then took a glance at the watch on his hand.. it read 11 35.. immediately he could recollect the content of the letter he had folded and kept in his pocket..

Bus Stop @ 11 30


From the ground he could see the bus stop on the other side of the road.. it looked deserted but for a hawker beside it.. he rushed to the stop, with the excitement of meeting her, Akhy, who had made this day the most memorable birthday of his..

Upon reaching the stop, he gazed on either side of the footpath but found none.. Disappointed, he was about leave the bus stop, back to the center..
It was then that a warm hand from behind held his..

A Short Story - Part Seventeen

Raghu was awestruck.. There wasn't anyone at the center named Akhi..moreover,  no one at the center knew it was his birthday.. or to the least that he was to visit the center.. Shocked and surprised Raghu opened the letter which Charanya had handed over to him along with the card..

As for Akshara was concerned, ever since she started to love Raghu secretly, she used to get updates on Raghu's upcoming plans from his friend, classmate and hostelmate, Surya.. It was Surya through whom she got to know of Raghu's visit to the center this day..

Childish and playful as it may be, she wanted to make this day of Raghu's life, one filled with pleasant surprises and hence making it a memorable one.. and hence was that letter along with the card..

Raghu took a while to take in the content of the letter.. he then folded it and put it into his pocket and began distributing the chocolates and cakes he had brought to the children in the hall..

A Short Story - Part Sixteen

The doors of the common hall were closed.. he gave a gentle push.. what he saw was the most cherishing moment of his life.. the hall was decorated with color papers.. posters.. balloons...the kids had gathered in the hall some holding roses and some had balloons.. 

but the kids in the first row were holding candles.. upon close observation Raghu realised the candles were in the shape of alphabets reading "Happy birthday".. then every one in chorus greeted Raghu, a happy birthday.. Raghu was delighted.. Then there stood two kids opening a chart big enough reading "We may be God's children, but you are our God"

Raghu started to have tears in his eyes.. then there came Charanya, a three year girl, to him handing him a greeting card and a letter.. she said to him "Raghu anna, happy birthday.." he dropped the cover in his hand having chocolates and cakes, lifted her into his hands.. kissed her on her head and said "Thanks da, kutty.."

Then Raghu opened the card, it read

Wish you a very happy birthday,
Yours loving, 

A Contest !!

Assuming there are no more new characters, I would like you to post me how you would like to end this story from now on..

I plan to reward the best story ender with a surprise reward.. Yes a gift.. The contest stays open till 31st Dec..Winners will be announced once the story ends..

There are two ways you can be rewarded.Firstly, if your planned climax is closer to what I thought, you shall be rewarded.Secondly, if your  ending is better than mine, then also you shall be rewarded and I shall change the script mentioning you in the post :)

mail me ur entires @ s.rajasekhar87@gmail.com

A Short Story - Part Fifteen

Raghu woke up to the call from his parents greeting him on his birthday.. he took bath, visited the temple nearby.. returned to college canteen, had breakfast and returned to hostel room to pack up his luggage.. Raghu's train was at eight in the evening.. As planned he wanted to visit the orphanage today..

So he went out, got some cakes and chocolates for the thirty odd kids at the orphanage and was on his way to the orphanage.. Neither the authorities there nor the kids knew of his arrival.. they were also unaware of Raghu's birthday.. As Raghu entered the place, there was some unusual silence.. the playground usually filled with playing kids was deserted.. So were the classrooms..

He then walked towards the common hall, where the kids used to pray and dine together, in the adjacent block..

Special Mention to Dharani, Sudharsan, Chaithanya and Pragna !!

Keep Going !!

Best Critic of the Week - Winner Pratibha !!

Congrats Pratibha !!

Match a character with my friend - Winner Avanti !!

Congrats Avanti !!

A Short Story - Part Fourteen

It did not take long for Akshara to recognise the guy as Raghu Raj, alias, The RR, as fondly called by his friends and fans in college.. Akshara was more of a secret fan to Raghu than a friend.. Even though Raghu was an average student in studies, he was known for his charismatic leadership capability and motivating persona..

One of the most notable achievements that Raghu had accomplished very early in college was the establishment of Anti Ragging Squad and the fight against drugs in campus.. It was these that had made him the hero of the college especially amongst the freshers.. No wonder the RR fan club had more than a thousand followers in orkut and other social networking sites..

Apart from these heroics, Raghu was keenly involved in motivating talks to freshers and other friends especially from the tamil background.. And for Akshara, she used to secretly film Raghu in his talks and actions and watch those clips in her laptop in hostel again and again..

Akshara was in deep love with Raghu and was keenly waiting for the right moment to express her love to her beloved..

* Dedicating this post to my dear friend Mathibala Devi.

Remembering them.. Tsunami '04

A Short Story - Part Thirteen

It was late in the afternoon, that after completing her weekend class at the academy, Akshara was waiting at the academy bus stop to catch the bus to return to college hostel.. On the other side of the road was the rehabilitation center.. 

The center consisted of just two blocks, tarnished from outside, fenced by a four feet high compound wall and locked down by a creaking gate.. this structure was hardly noticed by anyone.. But today though it was decorated with color papers, balloons, confetti and a banner read, 

"Happy Childrens Day - Come lets celebrate". 

And there was one guy standing tall hold one kid in his arms running across,playing with the other kids and having fun..

A Short Story - Part Twelve

Akshara, was an ardent fan of indian classical dance.. She was an architect student studying in the same college as that of Raghu and a classical dancer too.. She was the pupil of Kalakshethra academy there.. Born to the late Nagaswaram maestero Prabhakaran Shashtry and vocalist Ezhilarasi, music was in her veins..

Akshara too had special liking for children.. she could see all the Navarasas expressed by those little kids with ease on their face.. She came across this Tsunami rehabilitation center for kids when an NGO sponsoring an event at Kalakshethra had special mention for the kids there at the center.. 

A Short Story - Part Eleven

The monsoon clouds had just cleared.. so did the exam mood in the college.. with two month long semester holidays ahead, students were packing their bags and vacating the hostel.. Raghu was not the one who was leaving tonight.. he could not get the train ticket for that night hence decided to stay for one more day at the hostel..

There was always something unusual between him and small kids he would come across.. he used to love kids and kids too loved being with him in his arms.. Raghu loved to frequent this orphanage near his college where kids orphaned by tsunami were sheltered.. Raghu, himself was not aware of the reason for his liking towards these kids.. May be it was Gods way of telling where he actually belonged to..

This time too before returning to his home, Raghu decided to schedule a visit to the orphanage the next day.. coincidentally, next day was his birthday.. 

does he have any surprises at the orphanage?
follow the blog :)

A Short Story - Part Ten

Even though Raghu was placed well in an American firm, his study days at college were not that great.. He was an average student, with high ideals and was a dreaming achiever.. he used to laugh at his own grade sheet to see his grades tumbling from Ss and As in the first few semesters to Ds and Es in his lasts, and only to be pleased by the offer letter with a million rupees as pay in it..

But Raghu was not that happy with the things at home, especially with his brother Sekar and mom Kokila.. Sekar was becoming more adamant, ill behaved and vociferous by every passing day.. and to Raghu's amazement, Kokila took Sekar's side always, even though it was not the right thing.. Raghu used to take this quite lightly expecting things to settle down, and then start to think about his college love, Akhy..

Merry Christmas !

A Short Story - Part Nine

Kokila, was a loving mom.. but she was very possessive and wanting.. she was not much educated either, having just finished her tenth.. she herself was void of mothers love, having been brought up by her grand ma.. even though she treated Raghu as her son most of the time, she could not treat him on par with Sekar, who was their son, result of many many years of long prayers.. 
I miss u Vasuki amma...
Veeran, on other hand was educated than Kokila.. he had done his diploma.. Veeran, unlike Kokila was not possesive.. he was a realist and true father.. he did not distinguish between Raghu and Sekar.. both were his loving sons.. marriage between Kokila and Veeran was in itself an accident..

A Short Story - Part Eighth

Sekhar started to have good time at school.. slowly teachers there could recognise him as Raghu's brother and liked him.. many had infact made him as their pet.. Sekhar too fared good at studies.. continuing is his brothers legacy, he befriended almost all his teachers and also started to win many laurels at school.. by the time he reached fifth, he was the pupil at school, making waves.. he no longer was known as Raghu's brother but instead, Raghu came to be known as Sekhar's brother.. in the mean time Raghu completed his bachelors and joined an American company as a software engineer with a hefty pay.. but, things were not so good with Sekhar.. there was a dim side to him too..

A Short Story - Part Seven

Veeran and Kokila never let Raghu know what had happened to him during his birth nor was he aware of Vasuki and also he was not told of Vasuki's death, who died when he was four years old.. Vasuki had died of health complications.. for them burying the truth was the best thing.. 

back to present.. Raghu Raj just finished his first year at college.. and Sekar just finished his kinder garden.. Veeran and Kokila decided to join Sekar in the same central school in Prapancham where Raghu had done his schooling.. Raghu had good legacy at the school.. so his parents wanted Sekar to continue the same.. 

A Short Story - Part Six

You may call it the wrong way of making a wrong thing right or the right way of making wrong thing wrong.. thats how God played.. while Vasuki had a smooth delivery and had a boy baby, Kokila developed complications.. a situation arose where doctor told Veeran that he had to make a choice.. Mom or child.. and Veeran had made the obvious choice.. four hours into the operation theater, doctors come out.. Kokila survives..only Kokila survives.. learning this news, Kanakkam comes to Chandramma and offers the swap.. swap was done.. Vasuki's son became Raghu Raj and Kokila's son was no more...

A Short Story - Part Five

It was raining heavily from afternoon.. Vasuki was on bed in the maternity ward in birth pains, attended by a lone nurse with a wet towel in one hand and hot water tub in another.. on the other side of the room was Kokila, expecting her first child with her husband Veeran and her mother Chandramma... Outside the maternity ward was Vasuki's mom.. Kokila and Vasuki hailed from the same village, Mannur.. Vasuki's mom,  Kanakkamma, the milkwomen, served milk to many families in the locality including Chandramma's..

A Short Story - Part Four

Rewinding back : Vasuki, a sixteen year old daughter to Kanakamma and Koteswar Rao, had gone to the woods to collect firewood for the next days cooking.. it was almost late evening and she was yet to return.. Kanakkamma, the milkwomen of the village was getting nervous along with Koteswar Rao, who took the lantern and started to get to the woods.. it was getting dark with sun setting, he was midway, and then he sees the unexpected.. a girl coming running towards him.. with torn clothes and bruises on her body..
Amma, miss u...

A Short Story - Part Three

Sekar, was what Veeran and Kokila named their second son.. Raghu had a great time with Sekar.. but as time went by, Raghu could realise the divide within.. he was confused.. at 13 years elder to Sekar he was almost a generation older than him.. but still a son to Veeran and Kokila as Sekar.. every time he tried to advice Sekar, Sekar used to approach his mom who used to take Sekar's side, even though it was not the right one.. Reason, Sekar was their only son..

A Short Story - Part Two

Raghu Raj grew up..it was when he was in eighth that he was blessed with a baby brother.. thirteen years younger to him.. so cute and loving.. innocent emotional and caring Raghu had great time with his little brother at home.. he was more fatherly to him than Veeran and more motherly than Kokila.. poor Raghu did not know he was nurturing his own death...

A Short Story - Part One

there was a boy named Raghu Raj..brought up by Veeran Kumar and Kokila..Raghu recieved very good education thanks to the central school in his locality Pudupattinum..he had great time at school with teachers, friends and neighbours..Raghu was so well known for his good manners and studies that his mom Kokila, was known as Raja Amma, his dad Veeran was known as Raja Appa and his home as Raja Veedu in their locality..