A Short Story - Part Ten

Even though Raghu was placed well in an American firm, his study days at college were not that great.. He was an average student, with high ideals and was a dreaming achiever.. he used to laugh at his own grade sheet to see his grades tumbling from Ss and As in the first few semesters to Ds and Es in his lasts, and only to be pleased by the offer letter with a million rupees as pay in it..

But Raghu was not that happy with the things at home, especially with his brother Sekar and mom Kokila.. Sekar was becoming more adamant, ill behaved and vociferous by every passing day.. and to Raghu's amazement, Kokila took Sekar's side always, even though it was not the right thing.. Raghu used to take this quite lightly expecting things to settle down, and then start to think about his college love, Akhy..

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