A Short Story - Part Twentyfour

Akshara started to thank the dignitaries who had graced the occasion, also his dad's friends who had come.. it was then that she said the following that shook everyone..

"... We all might have come across many kids.. at traffic signals, temples, cinema theatres, parks and beaches with torn clothes, handicapped body... we have got used to them and mostly we ignore them.. we have also come across kids orphaned by either natural calamaties or manmade disasters.. we see them in plenty at orphanages and ashrams.. but most of them are in factories doing a mans job just for that single meal a day.. when our kids ask us about them, who their parents are? whose kids are they? We just say to them.. they are Gods children.. God shall take care of them.. and we wash away our hands of our resposibility, putting the onus on God.. "Gods' children.." to be taken care by God.. and not by us.. 

While most of us fall in this segment of putting the fate of these children in the hands of God.. there are very few in this world who actually play the Gods role in taking care of these children..to love them and feel them theirs..

But I am happy that we have atleast one here in this auditorium amongst us who has decided to play the Gods role for these kids.. and he has been my inspiration to do what i am going to say..

I feel blessed to announce that I and my mom, Ezhilarasi, have decided to sponsor the education of two girls namely, Charanya and Devi from the Tsunami Rehabilitaion center, besides our academy, till they would like to pursue.."

Raghu who was already feeling goosebumps to what Akshara had said.. slowly recollected the chart in morning that read "We may be Gods children, but you are our God." For him, Akshara had just spoken out what he had been having in his mind.. He could now see Akshara at a greater height.. He suddenly felt she was his ideal match.. One who could support him with his ideals.. 

As soon as Akshara finished, crowd had fallen silent.. there wasn't a hue or cry.. audience were stunned.. everyone were seeing a different Akshara now.. half an hour ago they saw a second year college going kid performing.. now they were seeing someone who was acting Godly.. their silent was then just to be broken by a lone applause by Raghu, who did not mind to give her a second standing ovation.. slowly the crowd joined him..it was in the midst of these Anita had said to Saarang, that it was Raghu whom Akshara was referring to..

Saarang immediately turned to Raghu..hugged him, lay his arm around Raghu's shoulder and accompanied him to the stage..

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