A Short Story - Part Twentythree

Raghu was stunned at Anita..and more stunned at Akshara, for her scintillating performance.. he had come here just to thank Akshara.. and to meet her in person and tell her that he is very happy for what she done at the center.. he wanted to explain to her that he was not yet ready to get into relationships.. he just wanted to befriend her coming here.. so he packed his bag, vacated the hostel for the holidays and came to the academy hall to meet Akshara and board the train later in the evening at eight.. but all these thoughts of his vanished as he started to enjoy Akshara's dance..

Akshara's performance ended.. she was given an standing ovation from the crowd.. Raghu too applauded her performance with a standing ovation.. he did not have words to describe her amazing performance.. and back on stage, Akshara was sweating hard.. she was panting for breath.. she was ackowledging the crowds applause bowing to them with folded hands.. the applause was reverbarating in the hall.. and in her ears.. but it was that one man's applause and smile, pleased her the most.. Raghu's.. She was ecstatic.. it took a while for the applause to calm down in the hall.. slowly the crowd started to settle back into their chairs.. and Akshara did not miss to thank her Guru.. she fell on to his feet and took blessings.. so did she from her mother, Ezhilarasi..

Raghu too was happy.. Anita then looked at Raghu and with her eyes pointed Raghu back at Akshara..

Akshara then got back to the center stage with a mike in her hand..

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